I've been curious about the amount of territory Lastwall lost to the Orcs of Belkzen for awhile now, so I made a map. For me, pathfinder history comes alive though maps (which I sincerely wish they would do more of - Pathfinder has such a rich history which remains inaccessible to so many).
The map is relatively simple. I could prettify it if I spent a lot of time on it, but I just wanted a basic map to show how much smaller Lastwall is. (Also trying to stay within my mapmaking skills).
Lastwall land lost to the Orcs of Belkzen over the past 900 or so years. |
Militarily speaking, Lastwall was screwed once it lost the Sunwall. Harchist's Blockade would have made a decent defensive line, but the real problem is that everything south of the Sunwall is anchored on the Mindspin Mountains to the west and that's easy for orc raids to infiltrate through. But it does make the placement of Vigil itself a bit more understandable. When Vigil was founded it was in the middle of the country!
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