Thursday, February 27, 2020

Lastwall Campaign Map

I noticed that the map of Lastwall that came with Tyrant's Grasp was missing many locations already mentioned in game. So I decided to make a new map suitable as a player's handout. Note: This map reflects my campaign, so there are a few minor differences (most notably that Razmiran was replaced by a Iomedean Crusader state).  Regardless, here's the map:

Lastwall, in Golarion (in my campaign).

Most of the map was hand drawn on my Wacom using Sketchbook. Text was in Photoshop. I strongly considered a hex map, but I wanted more of a handout feel.

A couple notes:

-The border forts on the western edge of Lastwall are alluded to, but never explicitly mentioned.
- The ferry to the NE just seems logical.
- the roads are also logical inferences and are the main roads within the kingdom.
- the purple dashed lines are former Hordelines. Lastwall lost a lot of land.

Oh and here's the generic version of the map:
Lastwall, in Golarion (generic campaign)

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